Wyniki wyszukiwania “minou”

trzy stroje na pierwszy śnieg

  I take off my glove, extend my hand, and I wait for a cold snowflake to fall on my skin - before I'm even able to look at it, the snowflake disappears. First snow came a while ago and even though it all disappeared, we don't need to be clairvoyants to know that it will return soon. Late autumn outfits that are based on woollen sweaters, warm coats, shawls, and beanies will become part of our daily life. If…

CHANEL woman is not a „makeup person”

   "There is time for work. And time for love. That leaves no other time" - this is one of the famous Coco Chanel's quotes. Even though her categorical formulation of thoughts is quite hard to digest for me (I don't see the world in black and white), it is possible to discern certain tips which help to get your priorities, your own style, approach to fashion, and a general self-image as a woman right. Gabrielle Chanel surely had flaws…

Walentynki wykorzystaj tę okazję, żeby świetnie wyglądać

   You must have noticed already, that the Valentines are approaching. Although it hasn’t been long since we started to celebrate it, a lot of us treat that day quite serious. I am guessing, that if you have a romantic evening in plans, you are already wondering what to wear. Perhaps suggestions below will help you! I wish you a happy Valentine’s Day! ***    Z pewnością nie uszło Waszej uwadze, że za kilka dni będą Walentynki - dzień zakochanych.…

Jak się ubrać na wesele koleżanki? Oto kilka pomysłów

Source: Into the Light Did you also get an invitation to the wedding and as usual you don’t have a clue what to wear? I know exactly what you feel. I have this problem every year. During such an event every one of us would like to look beautiful and stylish. In the end a wedding day is a special day not only for the bride, but for the guests as well. If you still have some time left, it's…