Wyniki wyszukiwania “paris”

Czy można żyć bez plastiku i dlaczego to takie trudne?

   Online, you'll probably find numerous interesting and substantive articles about how to live in harmony with nature and care for the environment, but I would like to describe this topic from a perspective of a person who still makes mistakes and isn't going to hide that or show everything in perfect words.      There's no doubt that plastic has dominated our life. We will find it even in the wild and seemingly pristine areas on Earth - on our…

MLE Collection – campaign for fall/winter 2018

    From the very beginning of MLE Collection, I have had two priorities: I wanted to create a brand that would deftly escape fashion and to prove that it's possible to sew good-quality and affordable clothes in Poland. The latter is a special matter of pride for me, and I wanted to emphasise it with this year's campaign. Therefore, I chose our Polish sea instead of opting for Paris or the Norwegian fiords. The weather was treacherous, but owing to…

Superfoods – prawda czy mit?

   Superfoods are flooding us through all channels, and the "newly discovered food product whose wonderful properties have been known for years" becomes a new marketing hit each season. The quality of our eating has been considerably diminishing, so we are prone to advertisements that promise us that one diet element can solve all our health problems. It is a very pleasant perspective, but we are all too mature to still believe in magic, Hogwart, and coconut oil.    Superfood…

Look of The Day – Welcome to Saint-Tropez

watch / zegarek - Daniel Wellington cotton dress / bawełniana sukienka - Zara leather slippers / skórzane klapki - Mango polaroid - łup z Jarmarku Św. Dominika (działa!) basket / kosz - RobotyRęczne     It was sweltering and beautiful, just as it should be on holidays - even the shortest holidays. We'd heard many bad things about Saint-Tropez - that it's overrated, expensive, crowded... When I return from my trip, I'd like to show all of those killjoys a list…

Dlaczego treningi z internetu są tak popularne, czyli jak ćwiczyć w dzisiejszej rzeczywistości

   Social changes have an impact on our life - that's no revelation. The fact that our everyday habits and choices change over years seems obvious. It's enough to look at how today's reality is different from our mothers' reality. We cook differently (if at all), we work differently, we spend our time with our families differently, we take care of our bodies differently. Not looking so far back, it's possible to notice that we've come a long way even…

Czym różni się życie w stylu „slow life” od zwykłego lenistwa?

   Can you have more by doing everything slower? The proponents of slow life would ask what "slower" means to us. According to the philosophy of slowness, if more is about material goods, then the answer is no. However, if more is about spending more time with your nearest and dearest as well as healthy and happy life, they try to prove that’s true.    When people and the world were chasing what's fast - fast food, fast cars, fast…