Wyniki wyszukiwania “sklep internetowy”

Święty Mikołaj, Dziadek Mróz, Aniołek czy Gwiazdor? O grudniowych tradycjach i idealnych prezentach.

    Lapland in Northern Finland. Eight kilometres from Rovaniemi, slightly north of the Arctic Circle. Nine reindeers with full bellies are happily tapping their hooves on the snow - they are ready for the journey. Before they reach the first stopover, they’ll surely become hungry, but in homes around the world, children left carrots for them so they shouldn’t be worried. Their guide and friend will take his place behind the reins. Before he gives the signal, he will look…

Czy kosmetologiczne odkrycia XXI wieku to tylko chwyty marketingowe? Co naprawdę działa a kiedy producenci kosmetyków cynicznie kłamią?

   A long, long time ago, just like today, women wanted to look good and were applying different products to keep their youth and smooth skin. Since the times when Cleopatra bathed in goat milk, everything has changed in the field of cosmetology. The development of technology allows us now to land on Mars and clone animals so we can easily assume that cosmetics should be more effective than those used before the discovery of print, steam engine, penicillin, or…

Jak ujarzmiłam światło w mieszkaniu, czyli lepsza codzienność w stylu duńskiego Hygge i linki do tanich klasyków.

   Within only a few days, Sopot turned from a sunny resort into a calm autumn city. A week ago, I was lying on the beach. Yesterday, I was running away from the rain, wearing a sweater and a rain coat, and drinking tea to warm myself up. The sudden change of weather turns our homes into cosy strongholds and dream places to spend the evening - a retreat that is perfect enough to keep us home despite the upcoming…

Pięć rzeczy, które zawsze zabieram ze sobą w podróż + schemat pakowania walizki

sweater / sweter - MLE Collection // skirt / spódnica - NA-KD // bag / torebka Balagan    The topic of packing is a thing that we go over and over again, but since most of you hate that activity, and I still get new insights, I thought that you’ll surely like another post about things that I take for a trip - on the condition that I really write something new in the topic.       I’ve been on a…

Last Month

  “Bla bla bla“ - that was precisely the text that this post was published with yesterday as a result  of my confusion.  Over the course of the existence of this blog, numerous bloopers have occurred (my worse nightmare from the past is the constantly crushing server) allowing me to approach my work with a pinch of salt - when I was tearing my hair out because there was “error 501” occurring for the 4th hour in a row, there…

Last Month

   Punnets of strawberries, armfuls of fragrant peonies, handfuls of green pea, and the sun so strong that it would be a pity not to use it - this June was really beautiful. I was trying to grab the camera as often as possible (which is extremely infrequently, as my hands are usually occupied with a 7-kilogramme toddler) to make sure that I can share with you a few snapshots from the last few weeks. There’s a little bit of…