Wyniki wyszukiwania “sklep internetowy”

Look of The Day – autumn essentials

perfect suede boots / idealne zamszowe sztyblety - RYŁKO 100% eco wool coat / płaszcz ze 100% wełny z hodowli ekologicznej - MLE Collection black leather bag / czarna skórzana torebka - Chanel (model mini) black leggings / czarne legginsy - New Look beige sweater / beżowy sweter - ZARA     Autumn has already come to Tricity and it is seems that it's trying to clear the backlog. I still lack a moment to go for a long walk along…

Czy można żyć bez plastiku i dlaczego to takie trudne?

   Online, you'll probably find numerous interesting and substantive articles about how to live in harmony with nature and care for the environment, but I would like to describe this topic from a perspective of a person who still makes mistakes and isn't going to hide that or show everything in perfect words.      There's no doubt that plastic has dominated our life. We will find it even in the wild and seemingly pristine areas on Earth - on our…

Moja codzienna pielęgnacja od stóp po głowę

    When I was preparing to write today's post, I entered the phrase "my everyday body care "into Google search engine, and I ended up with around ten million search results. I immediately came to the conclusion - women enjoy reading about cosmetic novelties and body care, and they would like to get comprehensive information on the topic. Seemingly, each of us has their own favourite products, but we are still searching for something new and checking whether our friend…

Jak przygotować ognisko?

  The night between 23 June and 24 June, that is the eve of St John's Day, is a time that I mostly associate with meetings by the campfire. I know that this custom isn't close to many people's hearts, but for me it's always about evoking amazing memories from my childhood. We also used to set a campfire whenever we finished the year in high school. A couple of pages from our notebooks always went up in flames - after…

Look of The Day – Wedding Party

    I've always tried to approach "special event outfits" with some distance. In the majority of cases, I simply chose one of my two black lace dresses, and each time I came to the conclusion that instead of running around the stores in search of something with the "wow" factor, it's better to opt for such classic solutions. With one exception - choosing a black dress for a wedding isn't the right thing to do. When we receive the…

9 prostych zasad, które pomogą Ci stworzyć przyjazne miejsce do pracy w domu

bluza - Hibou / spodnie - Zara (podobne tutaj i tutaj) / kocyk - H&M Home / grafika - bluebird-design.pl / lampa i biurko - Ikea    Niezależnie od tego, czy jesteś grafikiem, dekoratorką wnętrz, dziennikarką, prowadzisz własną firmę czy po prostu raz na jakiś czas płacisz rachunki lub masz do wykonania zadania na komputerze to przyda Ci się małe domowe biuro. Dla osób pracujących z domu to wyjątkowo ważne miejsce, bo ułatwia trzymanie czasu w ryzach. Przygotowanie odpowiedniego miejsca…